So we talked about surrender as a spiritual tool. It allows you to face yourself head on, tell your truth and move forward. Now it is time to move forward. This is 'taking action' . For most people it is the moment of truth and one of the most difficult parts of their journey. It does not have to be, it can be as easy as one-two-three. Any goal, aspiration or dream you have can not come true unless you do something about it. It requires action.
The Big Book of A.A. (one I consider the most spiritual text in recent history), says that 'Faith without Works is dead'. Each day I hear some person talk to me about how spiritual they are, or aligned they are, and yet their goals and dreams are no where in sight. They are unable to live the life they want. They are paralyzed by fear and doubt. So instead of taking steps forward they remain paralyzed. Maybe they started that business, got scared and then stopped when they made their first mistake. Maybe he asked out the girl he liked, but then sat scared unable to show her who he was. Either way, in both incidents the people were unable to move because of fear and doubt. This is normally where people stop. It is too hard they think. So they rationalize their limitations, go without and make do with the little they have. I am here to say you do not have to do that.
The movements toward success and recovery really are more gentle than you imagine. They require so little until your skill set is stronger. Take one small action in the direction you want to go. If that is all you can do today, then let it be ok, tomorrow take another. Notice how you feel after. That is your first success. If you can do more, do more. Eventually your skill level will increase. One small step, one day at a time, can lead you gradually to your goals. It is as simple or difficult as that.
Say you want to go back to school. Maybe the first day you call a couple of schools asking what you need to do to enroll, keep a journal of what they tell you and for the rest of the day, let it go. Then maybe the next day, you go online and order transcripts from your old high school. You are done for that day. Each step is small, but done one at a time, soon you will notice you will have contacted the school, ordered transcripts, filled out a FAFSA, picked a course of study, and talked to a counselor. See how much progress has been made doing it one thing at a time?
The reason I break this down is because we all have internal dialogues that stop us from going beyond our comfort level. They say things like, "You can't do that you are too old", or "You can't own a business you are not smart enough". They are protective, but they restrict you and they are wrong. We have them for many reasons, that is not important here. The only important part is that you have them, and they stop you from achieving your goals. These dialogues are only changed by action. When you push the boundaries out, they believe you can do more. They will accept goals they believe they can acheive.
Action is probably the most crucial step to making any goal or dream come true. Remember your spirit wants to protect you and may inhibit you, but it also wants you to have your dreams. If you gradually show it you can make the dream come true, your own spirit will support you. Your God and your guides want you to succeed. If you do the heavy lifting they will bring you accross the finish line.
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