What is revision? It is essentially where you would go back into a certain situation or memory and change the outcome of what happened if you were not happy with the outcome you can completely revise it and change the way it ended so you can better your situation right now or In the future.
Example situations -Breakups -Getting fired from a job -receiving unwanted news -losing a friend -losing items -somebody being an asshole to you -Not getting accepted into a college you wanted to go to -not getting the job you wanted
The list could go on and on but to sum all of that up you can change those outcome situations and replace it with ANY outcome you want for example if you got fired from a job the opposite of that would be you getting a raise or your boss telling you how great of an employee you are so you just revise it to that.
How to do it First you want to get comfortable and into a relaxed state make sure your in an area where no one will bug you and you will not be distracted I recommend laying down or sitting comfortably in a chair if laying down will make you actually fall asleep Lmfao (happens to the best of us 😂😂) anyways once your in your comfortable position take some deep breaths to clear your mind then revisit the memory or whatever you want to change that already happened in your 3D. So let’s say you want to revise a breakup (I’m using this one as an example) you would go into the scene where it happened and make sure you’re visualizing through your own eyes and instead of them breaking up with you or the breakup happening in general you would visualize the exact opposite which would be them kissing you,hugging you or them telling you that they want to spend the rest of their life with you or how happy they are with you. That would be revising what actually happened. and what that will do in the present moment 3D is essentially “smooth things over” meaning they would be reaching out to you and wanting things to go back to the way that they were. and it will be like nothing ever happened and remember this isn’t just for breakups this can be anything you want to change the outcome for.
Example from my own personal experience Here is one of my many examples about how I got it to work for me. So this was a long time ago me and my best friend had gotten into a HUGE fight nothing physically or anything like that but there was lots of yelling,name calling and bickering. She had told me that she was done with our friendship and wanted nothing to do with me. We ended up not talking for a good 6 months. I ended up finding out about Revision in Nevilles book the pruning shears of revision. It had fascinated me so I wanted to learn more. I tested it out a few times on little things and it ended up happening fairly fast. I figured since I had revised those little things I was going to test this out to revise my friendship with her. I did everything that I said up there. I got comfortable,took some breaths,cleared my head and visualized her standing right in front of Me telling me that our friendship will always be forever and nothing would ever break it. I made sure it was the EXACT scene that happened that day including the setting of the scene and the clothes she had on the only thing different was the outcome. and about 2 weeks later she showed up at my place and started apologizing immediately and asked me to take her back as a friend and I did. I remember inviting her inside and she hugged me and said “our friendship will always be forever” I was honestly shocked lmao she said the EXACT same thing I revised her to say so I know this absolutely 100% works. Neville knows his stuff y’all.
TEST IT OUT remember what I said in a previous post. The only way you’ll know that this works is if you put this into action. You don’t even need to start with something big you can revise little events if you’d like. Anything to build your faith. Nothing will ever be able to build your faith more than your own personal experiences. Just test it out for yourself you are the only person who can prove this to yourself.
what to do after your scene is done Drop it. It already happened. You’re new outcome already happened therefor there is no reason to keep repeating the old story because there is no old story. Once you’re done visualizing it is done. You have changed the outcome. Dont wait around for things to show up in your 3D just go live your life. Things will show up on their own just don’t be obsessing about it.
How do you visualize? See your scene in first person POV (Through your own eyes) and feel it real like it’s happening right now use your senses smell,hearing,touch etc whatever sense you want
Read neville If you’re new to the law I highly highly highly recommend reading Neville for yourself. all of his stuff is free online and his lectures are on YouTube I’m pretty sure you can even listen to his books on Spotify or some other app that provides you an audio version of it so you can listen to it instead of reading it if that’s what you prefer. After all neville is the one who introduced us to this. But like I said you actually need to test this out for yourself. I also suggest staying away from the youtube coaches just because they aren’t the actual source and most of them just parrot each other’s videos sometimes it can get a little confusing and exhausting if they are going off into left field and contradicting themselves 24/7. however if you are looking for a genuine person to breakdown neville to you on YouTube since his books can be tricky to understand I would recommend Candace Thoth she has a strictly neville channel so if that’s what you’re looking for then I would suggest her. I don’t watch really watch YouTube coaches I just stick to neville mainly but I have seen a few of Candace Thoth’s videos and she definitely puts out correct information about nevilles teaching’s instead of just parroting other people’s videos. illuminating joy (Amy) is great for beginners as well although she is not a strictly neville channel from the videos I have seen from her but she does put out useful info for beginners.
I hope this post inspires you that NOTHING is set in stone and ANY situation outcome can be changed the way you want it to. Please feel free to test this out and build up that beautiful faith Lol. Remember that you are in charge of your life. Anyways Happy manifesting from this country girl!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🥳🤠 and please don’t hesitate to ask a question in the comments I will be sure to respond to your question if I see it